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Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign



Going for ice cream is a habit we inherited from childhood. We usually managed to insist for an hour to our parents to take us for that ice cream that we liked so much. And almost without analyzing whether it was cream or frozen fruit, we ate it as quickly as possible, licking it with impunity.

As we got older we replace the cone and the tastes to water with the 1 kg pot and more demanding flavors.

But there is something that the pas of time could not melt. The first kiss. From that perfect synthesis we started for this new restyling that we did for @chuiihelados, the Cordoban brand that does not stop growing. We invite you to remember in each spoonful, that delicious taste of childhood.



Costa Warcalde

Branding. Concept. Key visual. Content.


Concept. Campaign. Creativity. Design.


Branding. Packaging. Creativity. Key Visual.