Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Some people say good things come to those who wait. Truth is good things come to those who work. Who work later, and work harder. If you are waiting for good things to come to you, huh, you’ll be waiting for a pretty long time. /// «Imported from Detroit» Campaign
Branding. Concept. Key visual. Content.
Costa Warcalde® es un club que combina a la perfección actividades deportivas como el entrenamiento, el pádel y el baloncesto con actividades sociales y de ocio.
El concepto “Life Club”, representa la perfecta armonía entre estos dos mundos. Y nos permitió pensar una identidad fresca y memorable, con un entorno visual dinámico, repleto de ilustraciones combinables.
Si andás por Villa Warcalde, date una vuelta por CW.